Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Downfall of America (No, Not The Health Bill)

Okay, America has lost any dignity it had, no one will ever look up to us again.  You wanna know why?  You wanna know why?  Because Buzz Aldrin is going to be on this season of Dancing With the Stars.  Yeah, the second man on the moon is going to be on Dancing With the Stars.

Why?  Why would someone with such a distinguished history of bravery and discovery, someone who put our flag on another celestial object, an American and world hero, stoop to reality television?  This is what he's going to go out on?  Hmm...he stood on the lunar surface and watched earthrise for the first time in human history, but now he's going to samba against Kate Gosselin.  No...I won't!  I refuse!  I won't make any "he thought it was 'Dancing Among The Stars'" jokes!

The worst part is, more people will probably remember him for this than for standing on the moon.  Buzz Aldrin: second astronaut on the moon; first astronaut on Dancing With the Stars.  Neal Armstrong will probably be on next season, in an ironic twist.

(c) 2010 Scott Teel.  All rights reserved.

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